Thursday, July 13, 2006


It's 5:47 a.m. and Patrick has wandered downstairs to sleep with Junior who sleeps on the couch in the Living room instead of his bed. Don't ask.

Just got very disturbing news on the local TV station.
We have a local National Guardsman who was killed in Iraq this week. He lived in our little town. His funeral is Saturday. I had planned on attending, just to show support. I don't know the family.
It wasn't too many months ago that the Marines buried one of Junior's high school buddies and teamates. I went with Junior to the services in the other little town near here, and internment to support him. I wore my steel toed boots. Luckily I didn't need them.
Here's the deal. There is is this out of state wacko cult that goes around to KIA funerals and protests with signs and whatnot. Their contention is soldiers are dying in Iraq as God's punishment for homosexuality. I know, I know. Anyway, the Indiana legislature rushed thru a bill to make protests at funerals against the law; It's not a free speech thing, it's a RESPECT thing. They didn't show up at Junior's friend's funeral, thankfully. Or the funeral of a Ft. Wayne soldier recently.
Now word is they're going to show up in our little town. They may be in for a rude awakening, this little burg is really a Kentucky redneck enclave. The hill jacks around there won't take this sitting down.
I guess this cult is planning on getting arrested to test the law. I'm not sure about that.
Anyway, I'm going to be there. I don't want to get arrested and go to jail, but on the same token, I can't stand by and do nothing if these "Baptists" try to disgrace our local hero.
I haven't actively physically confronted anti-war demonstrators since the sixties. At least those people had their honest beliefs. These people are just misguided morons.
There is a group of Vietnam Vets and others who have formed a Motorcycle Club for the purpose of going to these funerals to protect the families from seeing these guys. I don't know if there has been any confrontations before or not. I hope they are there.
I'm sure the State Police will be out IN FORCE for this deal. There were about five cars of them just for traffic control at Junior's friend's funeral.
Sometimes it's hard to know what to do in situations like this. Guess I'll just wear my steel toed boots, and hang out, and watch the backs of those there to handle the situation. And trust to my best instincts in what to do, as the conditions dictate.

How can these "Christians" do this and sleep at night?

Makes you want to weep for America.

Here's the orignal blog for today:>

In 1964 I had a BIG BLACK 1954 4-Door DODGE BROS. sedan. I've got a million stories about that car. Here's one of my favorites, that doesn't involve teenage girls:As a teenager growing up in Florida in the sixties, our social lives were inextricably woven around our cars. We drove them to school and work, raced them, chased girls in them, drove to the beach in them, parked and sparked in them at nite, ate in them from trays on the window and watched (or didn't watch) movies in them.
One Friday afternoon, my buds and I walked out to the high school parking lot to find a HUGE PUDDLE OF WATER under the rear end of my old Dodge. The car was loaded with our camping gear as we planned on leaving directly from school to go camping for the weekend on the Withlacoochie River near Brooksville. We had filled the (non-watertight as it turned out) trunk with ice and longnecks, and the combination of a black car and the Florida Sun had done the rest, duh!
NOw the problem was to get the heck out of there before Mr. Creveling, the parking lot teacher/monitor saw this little lake of ours and initiated a search. I don't even know why he had this duty unless it was to keep kids from pealing out of the shell parking lot and spraying oysters everywhere.
Anyway, the gods of frolic that look after idiot teenage boys must have smiled upon us that day, and we calmly exited the parking lot in an orderly manner, water dripping furiously out of the trunk, with old Traffic Cop Creveling none the wiser. Anybody else out there ever used a car trunk as an ice chest? --(Yes, folks the beer was WARM)

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