Just another example of a government gone astray for over fifty years now:
Got a letter from the VA yesterday telling me the files of 26.5 million veterans were stolen. duh! This two page piece of trash was sent to all of us! What a collosial, stupendous waste of money and trees? Whoever authorized this idotic lunacy should be fired, then taken out and shot, and his family made to pay the money back to the hundreth generation!! Take them all out and shoot them, bastards! That's MY money you thieves!! Raise my taxes, please! At a bare minimum of a dollar apiece that's 26 million bucks! Thanks IRS for providing my address...
Another interesting piece of mail received yesterday was the newsletter from our local county Right-To-Life group. Those are the folks who have the insane idea that mothers shouldn't murder their babies. Anyway, in 2000, Hispaniac ladies represented 12.8% of the US population of child bearing women and accounted for 20% of all abortions. The figure for African-American women was 14% and 32%. Combined 27% --52%.
ABD news was delirious last nite in Dissing KFC for having too much trans fat in their cooking oil, in a biased report re a kook-group's lawsuit against them for killing people with tras fat. Throw out the case judge, or join our list!!
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