It has been my experience that you cannot change the thinking patterns of strong willed Liberals (or conservatives, for that matter) with logic, facts or emotion in anyway whatsoever. (The vast masses, however can be swayed by the slightest breeze.)
True believers are HARD WIRED somehow from childhood in a way that brain surgery can't alter. Then EXPERIENCE cements it all together. It's the way they roll. We can't help it.
There are no arguments or revelations that will ever make me hate the land of America, as our president seems to.
I once rode shotgun on a garbage truck in a third world country and witnessed young children scrambling thru mountains of trash to find leftover scraps of rotting food. That image was seared in my brain and to this day I can't stand to see food being wasted or thrown away and am admittedly boorish about it.
The political and moral litmus test for me is abortion. Those that feel the torture, mangling and death of unborn babies in the womb is somehow a good thing, are to me unspeakable monsters of the highest order. Nothing will ever change that opinion for me..
So we are what we are. Black and White. Good and evil. Not sure we can choose. Jesus said not to be lukewarm and sit on the fence. I'm glad about what side I come down on.
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