It is 5:23 a.m. and dark out. everybody's asleep. Thunderstorms last night. 76.1 degrees and clear in Palm Harbor.
Kagan is a horrible choice for the Supreme Court, even if she wasn't a progressive. In just one day she has obfuscated, which makes her a HUGE Hypocrite, since she's complained aoout this in the past, as well as outright LIED about her role in the Harvard Military recruiting scandal.
Let's start impeachment proceedings now.
God Bless Sarah Palin
Go Gatuh!!
I watched just enough of the confirmation hearing yesterday to make me sick.
Hatch repeated the same question over and over in different phraseology to try to get her to answer his question, and she effectively dodged the question every time.
He asked, "do you believe...?" and she would answer something like, "the commission ruled that..."
Never once did she answer his question.
Plus, she's a Lesbian, so in any case that deals with special rights for homosexuals, we all know how she would rule.
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