People who fail to log DNF's are among the most insecure and frightened people on the planet. They probably have inferiority complexes and They they would benefit from some sort of mental therapy. Maybe they are so pathetic that "winning" at geocaching is the only thing in their lives that has any meaning to them. They are rude and inconsiderate and don't play well with others. They are quick to grow angry and are extremely and aggressively defensive. They are probably litterers, tax cheats, or used car salesmen, and most likely are the personality type that cuts you off in traffic. This is the personality type that allows them to feel entitled to let their dogs poop on your yard, and then hold a violent lifelong grudge against you if you politely object. These are the "me,me,me" folks. They are all around us, in our schools and factories, churches and prisons. We must be forever vigilent about them and pity them and be kind to them and try to help them if we can. Just don't turn your backs on them or loan them money. They make good politicians, tho. There has been some speculation in scientific circles of late that there is some DNA gone horribly wrong mechanism that makes them this way, so we have to be compassionate, and consider them to be sick. And above all NEVER, NEVER, NEVER
Pretty darn fast!!!!!

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