iT IS 10:03 AND 57 DEGREES and 40 degrees in Indiana. Zippy is here with me, Sadie in the Kitchen, cats in livingroom and Rosie at work.
The academy award show last nite was a farce, diminishing the value and credibility of the Oscars with it's silly pick of ANY movie over Avatar for best Picture. Already the Best selling movie of all time, Avatar was a groundbreaking, pioneering, Blockbuster. What a joke. The oscars have lost all credibility now. Usually with any year's five choices, you could build a case to go any way. Not this year. To snub Avatar is akin to not putting Gone with the Wind or Wizard of Oz in your top twenty... SHAME SHAME SHAME!!!!! Silly bastards!!
go gatuh, nice try!!
those people should eat shit and die!!!!!!
"Gone with the Wind" isn't in my top twenty. It isn't in my top 100. It isn't even in my top 1,000.
I find it incredibly boring I've never been able to sit through the whole thing yet without going to sleep or flipping channels to see what else is on.
Oh, but I agree with you about the Academy awards being a farce. It is nothing but an extreme left wing political rally, with the members patting each other on the back over nothing important. There is no criteria for deciding what are the best movies, actors, actresses, etc other than popularity amongst themselves. Like a high school homecoming queen contest.
Once upon a time, winning an Oscar meant extraordinary achievement in the art of making motion pictures. Now, it's just a popularity contest between the Hollywood elite.
Mark I love you but your comment about Gone with the wind puts you in the pinhead category. And I always thought you were perfect...
Gone with the Wind is right up there with Out of Africa
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