It is 6:06 a.m. and Rosie and the animals are all asleep except for the nocturnal creepers. It is 36 degrees and clear here in Palm Harbor, Fla. and 16 degrees and snowing in Huntington, Indiana.
Well, it seems like all of central and north Florida is freezing except for the tiny island that is Pinellas County. We've escaped so far. Must be them warm gulf breezes. Another day in Paradise, for real!!
Going to watch the Tide annihilate the horns tonite from the comfort of the couch, as Rosie is a bit under the weather.
iT'S NOT FREEZING HERE. Aren't you glad you retired in Indiana? Rosies's brother is a blueberry farmer in Oklahoma and he sells berries to the local winemakers. Two winemaking stores in the little town near where he lives, oddly enough--tasting rooms. they vint,. don't grow. Also we went to a local winemaker around here, they built an authentic repro building in a historic district in Tarpon Springs, and make wine in it, and have a free buffet outdoors sometimes, with tables in the courtyard with good free food if you buy a bottle of their wine. we did it it's fun, they have a keyboard guy playing and singing, too. lots of fun. Not TOO hoity -toity. but then most stuff is very casual in florida most dumps around here have outswide tables for eating and drinking and sometimes outside stages for live music.
our guy's uniform is: Tropical/Hawaiian short sleeved shirt, shorts, loafers no socs. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahaahahaaa
WE live in a nice draft free blue-tarp tent under one of the over-passes. Cops are good with it as long as you don't mess with traffic. About five to six semi permanent groups here, plus the transients. most of our neighbors are simple kindhearted winos. we look out for each others shopping carts. some bad eggs tho from time to time--druggies with knives. you can come visit us--if in winter, bring sleeping bag--its unseasonably cold this year however. --Rick
Percy Harvin used his versatility and intelligence to win The Associated Press 2009 NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year award. The Minnesota Vikings wide receiver/kick returner ran away with the balloting the same way he outran defenses.
Re Chris Dodd and hisfellow retirees: The rotting corpses of these ridiculous rodents will float on the rising tide of righteous indignation andwill provide a stench not easily removed from the halls of a traitorous congress...
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