Thursday, December 22, 2005


It's 7:56 a.m., Patrick crawled into bed with Junior and Glenn is downstairs playing video games.

It used to be that to call someone a traitor was a rare thing. But then, TREASON itself used to be rare. Our last real traitors were Jane Fonda and John F. Kerry, during the Viet Nam war.

Now I've heard Rush and Michael Savage call people Traitors: The MSM members and politicos who are hell-bent on making America look bad in the eyes of the world, and flaming the ashes of the fires of Terrorism around the world. The Prison abuse, the Torture, the waking children up in the middle of the night, the spying on domestic suspects-- It's all DESIGNED to aid and comfort the enemy--they know what they're doing--it's not just to "get a story" or win ratings points. And more and more, the moderate press is calling a spade a spade--or in this case traitors.

The American people are going to get their fill of this crap, pretty quickly I hope and hold these traitors accountable.

On a more personal note regarding the feds "spying" on domstic terrorist suspects. GOOD!! We've never had such a more physically threatening time in our history from sabateurs.

When I was a very young Man, the FBI used to keep tabs on me because of my Extreme Right Wling Associations. When Clearance time came in the Army, I had to explain why I had gone to such and such meetings --they knew, because they had taken down license plate numbers of cars...But I got the clearance. That's the first I knew they were watching, but then again I never did anything that wasn't overt. And when I moved up north, an FBI Agent visited me in my apartment. I was amazed at all he knew about my political activities, and the names of my associates. He sat at my kitchen table with an open brief case in front of him. I was later told by friends that he was taping our converstaion. Well, so was I. I had a friend in another room taping us, and I still have the tape. I finally threw him out when the questions got ridiculous. I'm not sure what his motives were, but he asked me how tall I was. I told him he already knew that from his own observation, or could get it from my Army files. He said he needed that information so they could be sure It was me and not somebody else, if a source ID'd me somewhere. I wouldn't tell him my height and he got indignant and said I was uncooperataive and I threw him out. His name was Agent Ryan, from Boston, I think. A nice guy, doing his job, but not too well, he seemed a lttle bit noobie to me.

Anyway, in those days the feds kept tabs on both right wingers and commies, and apparently their survellance went quite deep, if they could bother to expend manpower on such an insignicant fish as me (really). I didn't mind it at all.

And if they uncovered some group that was going to bomb a church or whatever, good for them. They never hindered me or harrassed me.


Although the activities of certain MSM reporters and U.S. Senators are probably far more harmful to our Global War on Terrorism efforts than anybody else...

Sorry, I didn't force them to betray their country, that's just the way it is.



At Thu Dec 22, 09:46:00 AM 2005, Blogger Lone Ranger said...

Since there has been no formal declaration of war since WWII, these people are not legally traitors. Although Nancy Pelosi has said far more traitorous things than Tokyo Rose ever did, she is safe from spending 10 years in a federal prison. They are instead, treacherous fools. But it makes no matter whether it is an intentional attempt to harm our government or a stupid attempt to harm our President. Treason is treason.


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