Wednesday, December 07, 2005


It's 5:33 a.m. Junior's at work/friends and Patrick's wandering around aimlessly.

Ever since 9-11, President Bush has been playing a winning game of Cowboy and Arab. And it's a good thing he is. Had Hanoi Jane Kerry beeen elected I shudder to think where we would be...Smoldering U.S. cities? Maybe.

Anyway, even though I know you don't want to hear the truth, here it is, in all it's bloody glory:

Before the White Race came to the New World, the North American "indians" were a STONE AGE CULTURE. They did not have the wheel. Their tools consisted of spears with sharpened rock points and stone axes.Their cultures featured two career options for men: Hunter/Soldier or Shamen/Medicine man. period. They were basically hunter gatherers with only rudimentary agriculture. They wore animal skins and painted their bodies with red paint (hence the term "Redskin"). There were no horses on the continet, and they had no domesticated animals, save the dog. They had no written language. So, basically, these stone age people were tens of thousands of years behind Europe and Asia in terms of the evolution of civilization. They were on a par with darkest Africa. They engaged in perpetual warfare with their neighbors in a land abundant with natural resources with plenty of room for expansion. Their version of war consisted of not just killing, but ritualized Torturing, raping and/ or kidnapping their enemies. Now THAT's the truth.

Revisionist "historians", and as a trained historian myself I use the term with loathing (They should be called novelists) have insisted for at least forty years now that the North American Indians were far more civilized than the White Man, in that they were each and every one of them self-actualized Philosopher-Kings in direct contact with the harmony of the Universe. Balderdash!! I even had one idiot professor at South Florida in the seventies who claimed (I think I've mentioned this to you before) that the Indian's language precluded telling untruths. Talk about the height of delusionary propaganda! If their language include words for "Yes" and "No" , they could lie. They did NOT invent Democracy, as these Yahoos will tell you.

The reason we had to play Cowboy and Indian, is that these people refused to go along with the program of CIVILIZATION. They burned our cabins, scalped us, raped and kidnapped our women, and generally made life on the frontier scary. And they NEVER got it. Not from the beginning, not until they were pretty well wiped out in the 1880's. We killed them with disease, we herded them onto reservations, we killed off their food supplies, They never got it, until they pretty much ceased to exist. Their leaders helped us in exchange for government housing and pensions.They asked for it, and they got it. No regrets. They had their chance to join us in making the greatest and nobelist Civilization of Human Freedom on Earth, and they blew it by clinging to their bloodthirsty savage culture.

Now, the Islamic Terrorists are messing with us. Hopefully we will not have to exterminate them as we did the North American Indians. I don't have any problem with that. They are a much more formidible enemy, considering they possess modern weapons.

Are the arabs sub-human throwbacks, lower on the evolutionary scale, like the Indians and cannibles in Darkest Africa? I wonder.

Anyway, the fools and traitors among us that are counseling a cut and run policy, and are pointing out every little fault with our war on Terrorism to make us look bad on the World Stage, are a dangerous faction, and need to be outed for the traitors they are. And this includes not only our government traitors but our MSM traitors.

AND If the day comes that we are forced to play Cowboys and Persians, we can do that too. But only if the American Resolve holds.

Add that's the way it is. It's not about land, it's not about oil, it never was. It's about CIVILIZATION vs. SAVAGRY



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