Tuesday, October 25, 2005


It's 7:45 a.m. and Patrick's in bed with Junior.

The high speed didn't work yesterday , We still haven't figured out why, some problem with our browser, really missed it, had to use dial-up; we are now really spoiled by our wireless internet...

There are roughly three groups in our society: the givers (rich, pay taxes), the takers (poor, get government bennies) and the vast in between folks who do both. On a scale from one to a hundred, at one we have the poor black urban ghetto welfare people, at a hundred we have the billionaires, and at 50 we have those who pay out in tax as much as they receive in largess. Our leaders, 95% of whom are nearer the 100 end, have alligned themselves thusly: Rupublicans, givers; Democrats, takers; Libertarians--aware of what's going on and don't like it, givers, but powerless, and carry stupid baggage that will ensure they never are sucessful.

The fight is over control of the in-betweeners. The extreme givers know they're being taken, the extreme takers know they'v got it made and feel entitled, the vast in-betweeners haven't a clue. The only taxes they are made aware of is sales taxes. Payroll taxes, social security and medicare are hidden as are property taxes (rolled up in mortages) , gasoline tax is part of the purchase price and on and on. If they did know the extent to which the fruit of their labors was being extracted from them, and what it was going for, they would rise up and smash the leaders of the takers with a force so mighty mountains would crumble. But alas, they're ignorant, and stupid as well. The takers devised this wonderful concept of PAYROLE WITHHOLDING so that the givers don't even realize they are giving , and thru the evil genius of Refund checks are bribed into a stupifying slumber. Oh, awake ye slaves to the new plantation!!

It has long been my opinion that if factory workers were paid in cash at a card table with the paymaster counting out their money to them in their hand,
and then had to wait in line at another table to pay income tax, then another for medicare, then another for their health insurance, then another and another, and then they saw what they had left, there would be a revolt against our welfare state and a revolt against Big Governement and a revolt against building bridges to Nowhere in Alaska and a revolt against the Democrat Communist party. If this redistribution of wealth scheme could ever be made known to them, the would all gag on their little checks, mob rule would ensue and this governement by the takers, for the takers and of the takers would cease to exist. And the Republicans are no better, they play along--just at a slower pace. And at that card table each week, the tax collector could make the taxpayer decide where his money was going--even IF he was going to pay:

"Well, let's see, Smith--You owes us twenty bucks for the Army and ten bucks for the highways, those two are
mandatory, hand it over. Now, they want to build a bridge to an island in Alaska where 50 eskimos live, so they won't have to take the Ferry--We need about twenty million for that-- your share is 37 cents--you want in? No, OK, then. Next item...."Hurricanae Katrina is a buck, OK thanks!, now ---A three thousand dollar debit card for New Orleans homeless--your cut is forty two cents--No? didn't think so, OK, now, saving the hopping green snow toad's habitat in the Sonoran Desert, that three dollars, ah comon'! No, well if you say so,.... Now, a buck for a new fire truck in your town, Thank you very much...Nw this is mandatory, but it's a choice: Five bucks you gotta pay, you want it to go to the National Endowment to the Arts, that's elephants pouring paint on the floor, or Body armour and night vision goggles for the troops--OK, Body armour it is...."




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